Features | STEPnotes


STEPnontes™ Online Features

30 Second Explainer Video

Key Benefits to You:

  • Get immediate access to a user-friendly online tool for your progress notes.
  • You control your confidential data as you can either store the information on your own computer, print it out for your records or upload the saved PDF file to your existing EMR/EHR.
  • Reasonably priced (less than the cost of most intake sessions).
  • One-time cost; no monthly or additional fees.
  • Progress notes have a professional and organized appearance.
  • The STEPs method helps you conceptualize your therapy sessions in a manner that adds to your effectiveness as a counselor.
  • Since the program is accessed through the internet, STEPnotesTM can and will provide improvements and updates without you having to buy a new program or download an updated file.

Features of the Basic Progress Note:

  • The STEPs method provides the structure to efficiently and systematically write your progress notes.
  • Drop down menus offer you the option to choose one or more standard words or phrases under each of the “STEPs.”
  • Text boxes provide you the space to write additional information as well as the ability to customize your notes to the level of client care.
  • Once you start typing in a text box, options that start with those letters will appear; scrolling is kept to a minimum.
  • Each note provides you with the ability to add your electronic signature.
  • Each note gives you options for CPT codes, diagnosis (DSM/ICD-10) codes, location of the session, and insurance information.
  • Information in the progress note meets the standards insurance companies want.

Additional Features of STEPnotes™ Online:

  • An intake form for adults.
  • An intake form for child/adolescent clients.
  • Specialized progress note formats for: mental health, school and career counseling environments and coaching clients.
  • Counseling supervisors have a note specifically for supervision of counselors-in-training.
  • Counselors can add their business/organization contact information to the progress notes and intake forms.
  • Release of information form.
  • Agreement to counseling services form.

Dr. Sutton and her team at STEPnotes™ have created an online tool that provides the STEPs in an easy to use format for taking and maintaining progress notes. For the one-time cost of $129.00, counselors can access all of the STEPnotes™ formats:

  • the adult intake form;
  • the child/adolescent intake form;
  • the mental health progress note form;
  • the career counseling progress note form;
  • the school counseling progress note form; and
  • the coaching note form

…as often as they wish. In each note form, counselors can either click on selections under each of the “STEPs” or type in their own information in the spaces provided; each note can be customized to the level of care provided. Once counselors purchase their access to the STEPnotes Online system (for the one-time fee of $129.00, counselors log into the system, enter in the information for their note, and then save it to their computer to either store on their own hard drive or external drive and/or print out for their files. Notes can be saved in a PDF format that can also be uploaded to EHR/EMR systems. Counselors have no concerns about storing their notes on a cloud or having the security of their notes compromised from an unknown server. Instead, counselors store their notes on their own computers and do not need internet access to retrieve them later. This system helps counselors keep their notes in an organized, professional and efficient structure – and counselors control the access and storage of their notes.


STEPnotes™ Online offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.


FAQs Buy Now

STEPnotes Online is a clinically sound way to take progress notes and gives counselors everything they need that is required by insurance. I love its simple, easy-to-use format with different options to choose from as well as the ability to put in as much information as I want.

Leslie S.